Ed Dept Decision to Rescind Documents Is Alarming

 In Advocacy

On October 2nd, the Department of Education rescinded a total of 72 guidance documents that detail the rights of students with disabilities under federal laws, such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Rehabilitation Act. The Department initially offered little explanation other than to call them “outdated, unnecessary or ineffective.”

We find the Education Department’s decision alarming. To strip away policies without thorough explanation is a huge misstep: it sends a message that any such policies may be superfluous and that protections for students with disabilities are nonessential.

Because people with disabilities continue to be marginalized and underrepresented, we at DRLC find the quiet removal of “unnecessary” documents to be potentially dangerous to those in need of the most protection. We urge those in power to use their influence and office to uphold and improve policies that promote inclusion, dignity, and equal access for all.

Link: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2017/10/21/devos-rescinds-72-guidance-documents-outlining-rights-for-disabled-students/

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