CLRC Health Insurance Publication List

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Navigating Healthcare and Maximizing Insurance Benefits (2019)

Although we generally expect out health care providers to understand our insurance plans, it is actually your responsibility as a patient to understand what your health insurance does or does not cover. The following tips are designed to help you minimize medical debt where possible, navigate throughout complex healthcare system and empower you as a patient.

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Cancer and Access to Dental Care (2019)

Access to dental care is important for everyone but can be especially challenging for cancer patients and survivors.  This publication covers information about dental insurance and other ways to access dental health services for people with cancer.

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A Step by Step Consumer’s Guide to Health Insurance Appeals (California) (2016)

This publication is a step by step guide to appealing health insurance denials of coverage for treatment for those who live in California or have California-based health insurance.  It includes information about both the internal and external appeals process and includes a sample appeal letter. (Text version here)

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A Step by Step Consumer’s Guide to Health Insurance Appeals (2016)

This publication is a step by step guide to appealing health insurance denials of coverage for treatment.  It includes information about both the internal and external appeals process and includes a sample appeal letter. (Text version here)

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Access to Medical Records (2017)

This handout gives an overview of the privacy rules under HIPAA, and information about your options if your medical records include information that you do not agree with.

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Health Care Options if You Cannot Get Coverage (2016)

This publication explains options for accessing health care or medical treatment for those who are not eligible for other forms of insurance, are uninsured or are unable to buy insurance outside of open enrollment. (Text version here)

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Understanding Health Insurance under the Affordable Care Act (2018)

This publication explains many of the changes and consumer protections put in place by the Affordable Care Act. (Text version here)

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Opciones de Ayuda Medica Si Usted No Puede Obtener Cobertura (2016)

Este instructivo explica opciones para recibir atención médica para las personas que no tienen seguro medico o no son elegible para cobertura tradicional. (Versión de texto aquí)

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Prescription Drug Access (2017)

This handout explains the ways that health insurance plans work to provide members with prescription drugs, describe how to access brand-name or experimental prescription drugs, and provides resources to help obtain prescription drugs easily and inexpensively.

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Your Health Insurance Options (2019)

This publication explains options for those who are looking to keep or buy insurance or other health care coverage.  Topics include COBRA, HIPP, Health Insurance Marketplaces, Health Insurance Premium Tax Credits, Medicaid, Major Risk Plans, and enrollment periods.

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Sus Opciones de Seguro de Salud (2019)

Navegar en medio de las opciones de seguro de salud puede ser una tarea agotadora. Los temas de esta publicación incluyen COBRA, HIPP, mercados de seguros de salud, créditos fiscales de primas de seguro de salud, Medicaid, planes de riesgo mayor y períodos de inscripción.


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CLRC webinars and recorded presentations are free and open to cancer patients and their families, survivors, caregivers, health care professionals and others coping with cancer.

EMPOWER HOUR SERIES: Health Insurance Updates and Open Enrollment for 2023 (2022)

This webinar will give an overview of consumer protections, and ways to maintain or change coverage, on or off the health insurance marketplace. It will also convey up-to-date information about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance rules and regulations. To watch a recording, click here.

FOR ATTORNEYS: Top 10 Ways to Get Health Insurance Claims Paid for People with Cancer (2022)

This webinar is designed to educate attorneys about health insurance policies and will provide tips and practical advice for getting health insurance benefits paid for patients undergoing cancer treatment. From understanding plan terms, reading Explanation of Benefits, and submitting appeals, the webinar aims to provide 10 ways in which attorneys can advocate for their clients to maximize their insurance coverage. To watch a recording, click here.

Health Insurance Updates and Open Enrollment for 2022 (2021)

One way to take charge of your health is to understand your health insurance options and be prepared for this year’s Open Enrollment period. This webinar will give an overview of consumer protections, ways to maintain or change coverage, and up-to-date information about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance rules and regulations. To watch a recording, click here.

Cancer During COVID Series: Navigating Health Insurance for People with Cancer (2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought health to the forefront and underscores the importance of accessible information about health insurance. This webinar will be particularly helpful for those with cancer who are concerned about losing their health insurance, or want to change coverage, whether they are shopping on or off the health insurance marketplace. To watch a recording, click here.

Health Insurance Updates and Open Enrollment for 2021 (2020)

This year has brought health to the forefront and underscores the importance of understanding information you need to be prepared for this year’s Open Enrollment period.  This webinar will give an overview of consumer protections, ways to maintain or change coverage, whether you are shopping on or off the health insurance marketplace, and up-to-date information about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance rules and regulations. To watch a recording, click here.

Health Insurance Updates and Open Enrollment for 2020 (2019)

The U.S. Health Care System is constantly changing. In this webinar, you will get up-to-date information about the Affordable Care Act and other health insurance rules/regulations, and the information you need to be prepared for this year’s Open Enrollment period. This webinar will give an overview of consumer protections, and ways to maintain or change coverage, whether you are shopping on or off the health insurance marketplace. To watch a recording, click here.

Health Insurance and Open Enrollment for 2019 (2018)

Get the information you need to be prepared for the 2018 Open Enrollment period! This webinar will give an overview of insurance basics, current insurance options, consumer protections, and ways to maintain or change coverage, whether you are shopping on or off the health insurance marketplace. To watch a recording, click here.

Navigating the Health Care Maze (2018)

To watch a recording, click here.

Navigating Health Insurance in a Changing Insurance Climate (2017)

To watch a recording, click here.

Wednesday, September 20, 12pm PST: Navigating Health insurance in a Changing Health Insurance Climate

With open enrollment around the corner, this webinar will give an overview of how to navigate health insurance, including insurance basics, current insurance options, consumer protections, insurance appeals, and ways to maintain or change coverage. To view, click here.

Health Care Reform and Open Enrollment (2015)

Find out about healthcare coverage rights and options by learning more about changes to the health care system as a result of Health Care Reform.  This webinar talks about ACA’s consumer protections related to rescissions, annual limits and lifetime caps on coverage, and appeals rights as well as the law’s requirements for coverage of preventive care and clinical trials.  It also discusses 2016 health insurance enrollment options, possible tax credit and cost-sharing subsidies, and Medicaid expansion.  Click here for telecast slides.

Insurance Appeals (2015)

Learn about the insurance appeals process and how the Affordable Care Act has affected appeal rights. Click here for telecast slides.

Cancer and the Law (2015)

Find out about various legal issues that can stem from a cancer diagnosis, including employment law, insurance options and disability insurance, and laws that protect cancer patients. Click here for telecast slides.

Navigating Health insurance in a Changing Health Insurance Climate (2017)

This webinar gives an overview of how to navigate health insurance, including insurance basics, current insurance options, consumer protections, insurance appeals, and ways to maintain or change coverage. Click here to watch on YouTube.

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