CLRC is seeking attorneys barred in any state with experience in a wide range of legal issue areas, including (but not limited to) employment, insurance, estate planning, government benefits, medical malpractice, consumer rights or family law to join its Professional Panel and to help people navigate their cancer-related legal concerns. Speaking to an attorney, who is an expert in their legal issue, can make a major difference to a person dealing with cancer.
If you are interested in joining the CLRC’s Professional Panel, please click here.
Legal Advice and Advocacy. While CLRC provides critical information and resources that help individuals deal with their problems, it does not generally provide direct legal advice or representation. Sometimes callers require legal advice or direct advocacy to resolve concerns. CLRC refers these individuals to attorneys or other professionals on its Professional Panel who practice in their geographic area and have expertise in the area of inquiry.
Limited Commitment. A Panel member’s initial commitment is a limited one: He/she agrees to provide a CLRC caller with a minimum of a 30-minute consultation, either in person or on the telephone. Any further representation, and fees charged, if any, are up to the Panel member and the referred CLRC caller. Referrals are assigned based on subject matter with consideration to the nature of the caller’s case and geographic location.
How to Join. CLRC is seeking attorneys with experience in employment, insurance, estate planning, government benefits, medical malpractice, consumer rights and family law, who can provide a critical service for people with cancer and who are willing to employ their legal expertise to that end. Please join our efforts! If interested in becoming a member of CLRC’s Professional Panel, please click here.
Professional Panel Comments. “Throughout the past several years, I have responded to scores of referrals from the Cancer Legal Resource Center. Some callers just needed reassurance they were receiving all they were entitled to from their insurers, employers and physicians. Others have required substantially greater assistance and, unfortunately, many have been forced to take legal action. Without fail, these callers have viewed the Cancer Legal Resource Center as the last line of defense in securing their rights at a time in their lives when they were most vulnerable. Every time I visit the Center, I am amazed by the enthusiasm and intensity CLRC attorneys and staff bring to their task, and sincerity and empathy with which they conduct their work.”