CLRC Employment Publication List
Cancer and Employment in California (2017)
This handout gives an overview of protections at work available for people with disabilities under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act.
Medical Certification (2017)
If you ask your employer for time off under FMLA or if you ask for reasonable accommodation to help you do your job under the ADA, your employer may ask for proof that you have a qualifying condition under the law. This publication explains what you should include and what you do not need to include in your medical certification for your employer.
Reasonable Accommodation Options (2013)
If you are employed and want to ask for reasonable accommodation to help you do your job under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or State Fair Employment law, this publication explains some potential accommodations and a sample letter you can use for requesting a reasonable accommodation. (Text version here)
What Do I Tell My Employer If I Have Been Diagnosed with Cancer? (2017)
This pamphlet covers some basic information about rights at work for people with cancer, including information about the Americans with Disabilities Act and how to request reasonable accommodations.
Your Right to Take Time Off Work (2017)
If you are employed and need to take time off work for cancer treatment or to care for a loved one with cancer, this publication explains your rights to take time off, including your rights under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). This handout also includes a sample letter you can use to request FMLA from your employer.
EMPOWER HOUR SERIES: Five Legal Tips for People with Cancer (2022)
This webinar will cover legal issues that may stem from a cancer diagnosis, including employment law, insurance options and disability insurance, and laws that protect people affected by cancer. To watch a recording, click here.
Cancer During COVID Series: Employment Legal Resources for Cancer Patients (2021)
COVID-19 has changed the workplace in significant ways, and there are additional considerations for those affected by cancer. This webinar will break down the most useful information about COVID-related protections related to employment and about the laws that have been in place and that will remain after COVID-related laws are projected to end. To watch a recording, click here.
Cancer During COVID Series: Legal Resources for One Year Since the Pandemic (2021)
COVID-19 has made many things – including a cancer diagnosis – more challenging. This webinar will cover various legal issues that may stem from a cancer diagnosis, including employment law, insurance options and disability insurance, and laws that protect people affected by cancer. To watch a recording, click here.
Cancer as a Disability: Rights in the Workplace (2018)
To watch a recording, click here.
What are my rights at work before, during, and after cancer treatment? (2017)
In this webinar, we will give an overview of the laws that provide protection in the workplace for those who are coping with a cancer diagnosis, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, state fair employment laws, the Family and Medical Leave Act, and other resources. To watch a recording, click here.
Five Legal Tips for Caregivers (2016)
Find out what your rights are under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the federal law that provides caregivers with options for taking time off work, and learn about additional protections available under state law, and about other issues involving caregivers, such as SS survivor benefits, probate, and advanced healthcare directives. To view a recording, click here.
Cancer and the Law (2015)
Find out about various legal issues that can stem from a cancer diagnosis, including employment law, insurance options and disability insurance, and laws that protect cancer patients. Click here for telecast slides.
How to Get Accommodations at Work (2015)
Learn about employment rights, how to get accommodations at work and options for taking time off under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the federal laws that protect cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers in the workplace, and about additional protections available under state law. Click here for telecast slides.