CLRC Education Publication List
Accommodations in Higher Education (2014)
This publication provides information for people either currently undergoing treatment or those with a history of cancer who need accommodations in college, graduate school, and beyond. It includes information about accommodations in the application process, admissions, how to request accommodations once enrolled, and other resources. (Text version here)
Discharging Student Loan Debt (2014)
This publication provides information about ways to manage student loan debt as a cancer survivor. It covers information about deferment, forbearance, and the Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Program. (Text version here)
Legal Resources for Students and Young Adults Affected by Cancer (2021)
This webinar will provide an understanding of the types of protections that are available to cancer patients and survivors during the college/higher education application process, once students have enrolled in college or graduate school, and beyond. Additionally, this webinar will include ways for students or alumni with disabilities to manage or discharge student loans, including updates and resources available during the Covid-19 pandemic. To view a recording, click here.
Legal Resources for Students and Young Adults Affected by Cancer (2021)
This webinar will provide an understanding of the types of protections that are available to cancer patients and survivors during the college/higher education application process, once students have enrolled in college or graduate school, and beyond. Additionally, this webinar will include ways for students or alumni with disabilities to manage or discharge student loans, including updates and resources available during the Covid-19 pandemic. To view a recording, click here.
Cancer and College: Your Rights in Higher Education (2019)
Whether you were diagnosed with cancer at 15 or 50, you may be interested in pursuing some form of higher education at some point in your life. In this webinar, learn about the types of protections that are available to patients and survivors during the college/higher education application process and once students have started college, graduate school, and beyond. Additionally, learn about ways for students or alumni with disabilities to manage or possibly discharge student loans, including new updates for 2019. To view a recording, click here.
Five Legal Tips for Young Adult Cancer Patients and Survivors (2016)
Learn about what types of protections are available to higher education students with cancer or students who are cancer survivors both during the application process and once the students have started college, graduate school, and beyond. Additionally, learn about ways for students or alumni with disabilities to manage or possibly discharge their student loans and applying for jobs with cancer history. To view a recording, click here.
Higher Education Accommodations and Student Loan Forgiveness (2015)
Learn about what types of protections are available to higher education students with cancer or students who are cancer survivors both during the application process and once the students have started college, graduate school and beyond. Additionally, learn about ways for students or alumni with disabilities to manage or possibly discharge their student loans. Click here for telecast slides.