CLRC Advance Planning Publication List

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Advance Planning: Making Decisions (2017)

Whether you are nearing the end of your life due to a terminal illness or are facing a time where you will need assistance with managing your health care or finances, it is essential to make plans in advance to ensure your wishes are carried out in the event you become unable to make decisions on your own. This publication explains financial power of attorney, advance directives for health care, and power of attorney for health care. (Text version here)

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Conservatorships (2013)

Conservatorships and Guardianships are ways to give one person control over another person’s finances or medical decisions in the event that an individual did not prepare in advance. This document provides information on the basics of becoming a legal guardian over an adult or child. (Text version here)

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End-of- Life Treatment Options (2015)

Patients have certain rights at the end of life. This document provides information on your rights whether you are a person with a terminal condition or whether you want to know what rights a person has at the end of life, including the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to be free from pain. (Text version here)

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Estate Planning Personal Records File (2012)

This publication contains a list of documents you need to gather in one place, and the names of important records and documents you will need when planning your care or property distribution in advance. (Text version here)

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Glosario de Planificación de Patrimonio (2015)

Este documento es un glosario de palabras usado frecuentemente en planificación patrimonial. (Versión de texto aquí)

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Personal Records file (SPANISH) Expedientes Personales para Planificación de Patrimonio (2015)

Este folleto de Expedientes Personales le ayudará a sus seres queridos a reunir y guardar en un solo lugar las copias de expedientes y documentos importantes que necesitarán. (Versión de texto aquí)

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Taking Care of Business (2012)

This document is intended to help you collect and keep personal and financial information in one place.

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Taking Care of Business (SPANISH) Poniendo Sus Asuntos en Orden (2011)

Este folleto es para que usted pueda reunir y mantener su información personal y financiera en un solo lugar. (Versión de texto aquí)

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Wills and Trusts (2015)

This document covers some basic estate planning tools like wills and trusts, which are tools for planning for the distribution of your property and potentially guardianship of minor children after death. You can plan in advance for how you want your property distributed whether you are currently healthy or at the end of your life due to a terminal illness. (Text version here)


Black text reading "access additional webinars here" over a faded image of three people in a library, with books behind them, looking at the same laptop screen
CLRC webinars and recorded presentations are free and open to cancer patients and their families, survivors, caregivers, health care professionals and others coping with cancer.

Know Your Rights Webinar Series: Advance Planning (2023)

By planning in advance, people diagnosed with cancer can help ensure that their wishes about treatment will be followed and that their loved ones—and assets—are protected. In this free webinar, attendees will learn about advanced healthcare directives, powers of attorney for financial affairs, wills and trusts, and more. To watch a recording, click here.

Cancer During COVID Series: Advance Planning (2021)

By planning in advance, people diagnosed with cancer can help ensure that their wishes about treatment will be followed. This webinar will encourage people to plan ahead to ensure that their loved ones – and assets – are protected. It will provide an overview of advanced healthcare directives, powers of attorney for financial affairs, and wills and trusts. To watch a recording, click here.

Quality of Life: Palliative Care and End of Life Treatment Options (2018)

Too often, people coping with a cancer diagnosis are living with unmanaged pain, or are unaware of their rights to hospice or other care at the end of their lives. This webinar will discuss palliative care options (including pain management), hospice, patients’ rights and end of life treatment options, including aid in dying. To watch a recording, click here.

How can I make sure my wishes are upheld? (2017)

This webinar helps encourage people to plan ahead to ensure that their loved ones and assets are protected.  It provides an overview of advanced healthcare directives, powers of attorney for financial affairs, conservatorships, and wills and trusts.  To watch a recording, click here.

5 Legal Tips for Advanced Stage Cancer Patients (2016)

This webinar covers advance planning, SSI/SSDI/compassionate allowances, as well as wills and trusts. We discuss advance healthcare directives and tools you can use to make sure that your wishes regarding medical treatment are upheld, even when you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.  To watch a recording, click here.

Advance Planning and End-of-Life Options (2015)

Learn about advance planning and different options you may have. Click here to view telecast slides.

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