CLRC Medical Malpractice List
Concerns about Care – Medical Boards and Medical Negligence (2018)
This publication provides information for patients and survivors who believe that their doctors may have made a mistake in their treatment or did not treat them properly. It includes information about how to file a complaint with a state medical board, as well as information about medical malpractice/medical negligence lawsuits. (Text version here)
CLRC webinars and recorded presentations are free and open to cancer patients and their families, survivors, caregivers, health care professionals and others coping with cancer.
I’m Unhappy with My Care—What are my rights? (2017)
Do you think your doctor made a mistake, treated you poorly, or are you concerned about other aspects of your treatment? Watch this webinar to learn about medical malpractice, filing complaints against doctors, grievances with health plans, and your rights to second opinions and medical privacy. To watch a recording, click here.