Jen Flory, MA, JD
Policy Advocate
Jen Flory is a Policy Advocate specializing in access to health care for low-income
Californians. Prior to becoming a policy advocate, Jen also worked at Western Center as a
Skadden Fellow and a Senior Attorney.
Her passion for health care advocacy stems not just from a desire for social justice, but also
from personal experience. As a young adult, she was unable to purchase health insurance,
went without needed health care, and attended law school, in part, so she could get health
coverage. She also witnessed other family members struggle to pay of large medical debts
or put off care until illness was untreatable.
In addition to her work at Western Center, Jen served as the Supervising Attorney for
Neighborhood Legal Services of LA County’s Health Consumer Center, the Director of the
Cancer Legal Resource Center at Disability Rights Legal Center, and taught a Cancer
Rights Legal Seminar at Loyola Law School. She has also worked as an immigration
attorney. Jen has experience litigating cases, drafting legislation and regulatory comments,
writing consumer and advocate materials, and training advocates and community members.
In 2016, she was awarded the Public Interest Attorney of the Year by the USC Public
Interest Law Foundation at her former law school, USC Gould School of Law.