CLRC Housing Publication List

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Home Ownership What to Do When Payments are a Problem (2017)

This handout is intended to give an overview of your options if you are having difficulty paying your mortgage, what steps to take if you are facing foreclosure, options to remain in your home if you are elderly or chronically ill, and the impact that certain financial and insurance decisions can have on your property.

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National Housing Rights (2016)

This publication answers some frequently asked questions about housing rights for cancer patients, including general information about reasonable accommodations and modifications, early lease termination, harassment, repairs, and eviction. (Text version here)

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Secondhand Smoke (2017)

This handout provides a general explanation of secondhand smoke and an overview of the rights that you may be entitled to as a nonsmoker, including in your home, apartment, or condominium.


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CLRC webinars and recorded presentations are free and open to cancer patients and their families, survivors, caregivers, health care professionals and others coping with cancer. 

EMPOWER HOUR SERIES: Housing Rights and Concerns for People with Cancer (2022)

This webinar will cover common housing issues for people living with cancer, including eviction and foreclosure, harassment, and housing accommodations and modifications by landlords or Homeowner Associations. The webinar will incorporate up-to-date information about any relevant housing COVID-19 pandemic protections. To watch, click here.

Housing Rights and Concerns for People With Cancer (2018)

Having a safe place to live is essential, but becomes even more important when you are facing a serious illness. This webinar will cover common housing issues for people living with cancer, including eviction and foreclosure, harassment, and housing accommodations and modifications by landlords or Homeowner Associations. To watch, click here.

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